Welcome back our personal injury attorney blog. We are off to a fast start in our March blog review series, where we revisit some blogs from days gone by and glean their important messages. In our previous blog, we reviewed how important is to talk to your auto injury attorney before you talk to an insurance adjuster. Today, we turn our attention to texting while driving. In our first blog review, we look at a blog that gives some important statistics about distracted driving. Distracted driving has become a prominent killer on American roads and highways. Check out the statistics in the article below. It’ll make you think twice before you send that next text while you’re driving.
“Texting While Driving Awareness”
“Want some tangible numbers to go with what we all know is a rising concern on American roadways? Statistics indicate that if you are texting while driving, you are three times more likely to be involved in an accident as you would be if you were not texting. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, among drivers under the age of 20 involved in a fatal accident, 11% were reported as distracted at the time of the accident. In a 2012 survey, the Ad Council found that 78% teens and young adults have read texts while driving, and 71% reported having composed or sent a text while driving.”
In the second article, we talk about strategies for ending texting and driving within your circle of influence. The consequences are too devastating to take a chance, so we need to act now.
“Texting While Driving Stops Here”
“Texting while driving is a deadly habit that too many Americans fail to take seriously enough to stop doing it or stop someone else from doing it. In order to evoke real change, we must take the facts that tell us there’s a nationwide epidemic and do something with them other than just recite them. When the rubber meets the road, how do we take what we know and start saving lives with it?
More specifically, how do we tell the driver of a car we’re in to put their phone down and concentrate on the road?”