3 Tips For Your Health After A Car Wreck

[grid_row_open class=””] [grid_col_open class=”” palm=”100%” tablet=”33%” desktop=”33%” center=””] [grid_col_close] [grid_col_open class=”” palm=”100%” tablet=”33%” desktop=”33%” center=””] [grid_col_close] [grid_col_open class=”” palm=”100%” tablet=”33%” desktop=”33%” center=””] [grid_col_close] [grid_row_close] [grid_row_open class=”purpleBorder”] [grid_col_open class=”” palm=”100%” tablet=”25%” desktop=”25%” center=””] [grid_col_close] [grid_col_open class=”” palm=”100%” tablet=”75%” desktop=”75%” center=””] Car accidents are no laughing matter. In fact, being gently rear-ended can put a substantial amount …

5 Distractions That Can Lead to Catastrophic Accidents

According to the United States government, distracted driving accounted for 3,129 motor vehicle deaths in 2014, with 431,000 additional injuries recorded. AAA notes that distracted driving is the cause of anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of all accidents. Distracted driving accounted for 3,129 motor vehicle deaths in 2014 Needless to say, it’s no surprise …

Distracted Driving and the Myth of Multitasking

In today’s society there is constant stimulation occurring every second of our lives. With all of these stimulants, it makes it hard to focus on any single task at hand. One of those tasks that we tend to easily lose our attention with is driving. Distracted driving has quickly become one of the most dangerous …

Distracted Driving Is Dangerous

In our last post, we used our experience as auto injury attorneys to look at the dangers of distracted driving through a scenario that happens every day of the week. Our driver, Jeff, a busy working single dad picking his son up from school, has many things in common with every one of us that …