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Distracted Driving and the Myth of Multitasking


In today’s society there is constant stimulation occurring every second of our lives. With all of these stimulants, it makes it hard to focus on any single task at hand. One of those tasks that we tend to easily lose our attention with is driving. Distracted driving has quickly become one of the most dangerous realities we face everyday. Not only is it hazardous to each of us as drivers, but to pedestrians or passengers as well. While you may consider yourself to be a safe driver, ask yourself this: are you a good multi-tasker? If you’ve answered yes, we regret to inform you that you are, in fact, wrong.

The ability to multi-task is simply a myth. The human brain cannot perform two tasks at one time. What’s actually occurring is that your brain is attempting to juggle two of what’s considered to be  “cognitively complex” tasks.  As the brain works to switch back and forth between these elaborate tasks it leaves you susceptible to an accident. This is because the brain is in a state of limbo between the two operations and becomes nearly incapable of reacting to hazards in the road while driving.

Driving is a function that requires our undivided attention. According to the National Safety Council, distracted driving now joins alcohol and excessive speed as leading factors in fatal and serious injury crashes. Should you be affected by a distracted driver and sustain injuries it is important that you first contact emergency services, as well as your insurance company. It is also vital that you contact Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, your Baton Rouge injury attorney, to ensure that your damages are properly assessed and handled.