Previously on our blog, we kick-started our blog series for March with a blog review of a couple important topics, such as the impact of the cost of an accident and how much a personal injury claim is worth. Today, we are going to share some common questions we get as auto injury attorneys. We get all sorts of questions and a vast majority of them are very good questions. Since we are Baton Rouge and New Orleans personal injury attorneys, we see a lot of crossover between the two types of cases.
“Some Common Questions We’re Asked As Auto Accident Attorneys“
“Here at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, we absolutely hate it when insurance companies think they can bully individuals and injured victims. That’s why we’ve taken our extensive knowledge and focused it on personal injury law because we want to represent the interests of you and your family. As Baton Rouge auto accident attorneys, we know how to anticipate and handle the strategies that are employed by large corporations and insurance companies. We get a lot of the same, common questions from our clients. Today we’re here to answer a few of them.”
The second blog review asks a more poignant question. Hopefully, this blog review will help you determine whether you need a new attorney before it’s too late. As we discussed in the first review of the day, insurance companies are always on the prowl for easy and low settlements, so exercise good judgement.
“I Was In A Car Accident: Do I Need A Lawyer?“
“Were you just in a car accident? It’s hard to know when it’s appropriate to call a lawyer after you’ve been in a wreck, but here at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, your Baton Rouge auto injury attorney, we’re here to help you make that decision. Generally speaking, it’s dependent on the automobile accident, what happened, and who was injured. As a rule of thumb, if you weren’t injured you probably don’t need a lawyer. However, if you or someone in your vehicle was injured, time was lost from work due to these injuries, or if you weren’t able to attend school or perform household duties, it’s time to give us a call.”
“Should you run or walk to the attorney?”