Preparing To Meet With Your New Orleans & Baton Rouge Auto Injury Attorney

Here at Spencer Calahan Injury lawyers, your local New Orleans and Baton Rouge auto injury attorneys, we strongly believe that your time is extremely valuable. If you were recently in an automobile accident and you’re looking to meet with a personal injury lawyer, there are a few things we want to remind you of so …

Interesting Car Accident Facts From Baton Rouge Auto Injury Attorneys

Car accidents have become very commonplace in our society. Most people just write them off as something that happens and is a part of life. Unfortunately, more times than not a car accident happens due to someone else’s carelessness. These auto accidents could have been avoided if not for the other driver’s negligence and when …

Myths Of Hiring A Baton Rouge Injury Lawyer

Every decision made following an accident has the ability to greatly impact either your physical or financial wellbeing. Where you take your car for repair, your interaction with other involved parties, conversations with insurance companies, and even your decision to see a doctor will all play a role in the ultimate outcome of the situation. …