Medical Malpractice And What You Need To Know

Medical malpractice is defined as “any act or omission by a physician during treatment of a patient that deviates from accepted norms of practice in the medical community and causes an injury to the patient.” While everyone may make mistakes, errors on the part of a medical professional can result in serious injury, lifelong medical …

The Dangers Of Truckers And Driver Fatigue

Sharing the road with large trucks can be frightening. There seems to be no shortage of stories of inattentive or overly tired drivers running other motorists off the road or causing collisions. Given the size of these big rigs and the amount of time their drivers spend behind the wheel, it’s no wonder they can …

Top 5 Causes Of Distracted Driving

Texting while driving has gained a lot of attention in recent years. The dangers have been revealed by multiple studies and tragic accidents. Documentaries illustrate the heartbreaking consequences and multiple campaigns have sprung up telling all drivers that it can wait. While texting behind the wheel is a very real problem, it is sadly not …

Holiday Safety Tips For Baton Rouge

With Thanksgiving barely behind us and Christmas quickly approaching, we are squarely in the middle of the year’s busiest travel season. More often now than nearly any other time of year, families and individuals embark on long-distance trips, traversing 50 miles or more, and the majority are making those trips by car (91 percent to …

What Is Car Accident Fraud?

Each year, many unfortunate drivers find themselves as victims in staged auto accident scams. The drivers who operate these schemes do so by forcing unknowing motorists into collisions. They then make false insurance claims to receive compensation. The tactics used to pull off these scams successfully vary and often require cooperation between multiple drivers to …