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Bit by Neighbor’s Dog: What Comes Next?
When you or someone you love has been bitten by a neighbor’s dog, you want to know what to do next. Who is liable? Is the dog owner? What do you need to keep track of?
When you’re injured by a dangerous dog, you may need help recovering. At Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, we’re here to help, so reach out when you need to know what your next steps are.
Seek Medical Attention
Seeking medical attention as soon as the bite happens is important. Dog bites can carry many diseases and have a high risk of infection. Because of this, it is important that the bite gets cleaned out as soon as possible.
Make sure that you follow all of the doctor’s orders and recommendations. This will show that you’ve done what you were supposed to prior to bringing the case to court and can help you heal sooner.
Identify the Owner
Typically, the dog owner is liable for the actions of the dog. Identifying the dog owner can help you get answers on who owes you compensation while you’re recovering. Once you have identified the at-fault party, your lawyer can use that information to begin preparing for your lawsuit.
Once you find out who owns the dog, you will want to know if the dog has had vaccinations, gather the owner’s information, as well as anything else about the dog that they know of.
Gather Evidence
Save the information that you’ve gathered from the owners of the dog, the paperwork from the treatment received, and any other paperwork that was provided to you. Take photos of the injuries that were sustained. This is your evidence of the incident.
If you’re struggling to travel or seek out this information on your own, your lawyer can help you get the evidence you’re due. Reach out for guidance on the evidence you need for your case and where to begin.
Statute of Limitations
In Louisiana, a dog bite victim has up to a year to bring a claim against a dog’s owner. Keep in mind that this refers to situations where the dog is known to be aggressive and dangerous. If the dog has never bitten someone before, this may not be the case.
There are also definitions that define a “dangerous” dog. This essentially gives the dog a chance after having bit someone to not hold the owner liable because they were not previously deemed as being dangerous.
The hospital or other medical provider who is treating the bite does have to report the incident to the Animal Control Division of the LA/SPCA. This will document that the dog has a reported aggressive background in case of further incidents.
Seek Help from a Dog Bite Lawyer
It’s important that you seek help from a law office in Louisiana if you’ve been bitten by a dog. They can advise you on what to do next, and if you have everything you need for a case. Each case is different, but your lawyer has the tools to face the details of your claim.
Speak with the professionals at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers to find out what we can do for you. We will listen to make sure you’re getting the best care possible and any compensation you may deserve. Call our law office today at 225-387-2323 or by completing the following online contact form.