Did you know that, according to the US Census Bureau, there are about 10 million car wrecks every year? Here at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, Baton Rouge auto injury attorneys, we work with hundreds of people a year in the area who have been in an automobile accident. We understand what you’re going through and what a hectic time in your life this is. As soon as that other automobile collides with you, it’s understandably hard to keep everything straight. Today we have some steps you can take immediately following the accident to protect yourself.
- Immediately pull over and call 911. After you stop your car and, if possible, pull out of traffic, don’t forget to also turn on your hazards to alert other drivers. Even if no one seems to be immediately hurt, it’s important to call the police. The police will offer a neutral third party.
- Always exchange car insurance information. Your insurance company and the other driver’s insurance company will need each other’s contact information to decide who pays for the damages.
- Make sure you get a police report. If you don’t and you need to file a suit with your personal injury lawyer here at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers, it will be your word against the other person.
- Especially if there are injuries and extensive damage, take pictures of everything and collect witnesses if possible. This is very helpful if you know this accident wasn’t your fault but you need to prove it.
Finally, it’s always important to call Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers after an accident. We’re here to help you get the compensation that you deserve.