Baton Rouge Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
Since 2000, Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers has served Baton Rouge and the state of Louisiana in all areas of personal injury, including nursing home negligence and elder abuse cases. Our mission is to provide our clients with aggressive representation while offering the understanding they need during their time of need. We take pride in our ability to make nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other elder care providers take responsibility when a preventable injury or death occurs under their care. If you or one of your loved ones has been injured due to the negligence of a care provider, contact Calahan Law and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.
Nursing Home Negligence & Abuse
While comedies about the mean or bumbling nursing home provider make us laugh, the reality is individuals like this do exist and it is no laughing matter. The disabled, sick, and elderly deserve dignity and respect during the time they have left and it is the responsibility of society as a whole to help ensure that our nursing homes and elder care providers adhere to the highest standards of care and conduct. When someone has been injured or killed due to nursing home negligence or abuse hiring the Louisiana personal injury attorneys at Calahan Law can help you:
- Tell their story
- Protect your loved ones and others in the future
- Get answers to questions about their care
- Make a difference for future nursing home clientelle
If you or someone you love has suffered because of nursing home negligence or was abused while under the care of another, it is your responsibility to ensure the negligent party is brought to justice. Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers is proud to help.
Together We Can Stop Abuse & Neglect
It is important to know that your loved one has rights under the law in the state of Louisiana to protect them against nursing home neglect and abuse. At Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers we are here to help you bring the offending party to justice and get the maximum compensation you deserve for your loved one’s pain and suffering. Call us at 225-387-2323 or fill out our Case Evaluation Form for your right and speak to a professional personal injury attorney today.