Denham Springs Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
When you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury in a motorcycle crash, you have a long, expensive road to recovery ahead of you. Get the compensation you need by working with a Denham Springs motorcycle accident lawyer.
For many people, motorcycles are a great way to travel. Their appeal is obvious to enthusiasts, but the lack of protection and the negative stereotype that motorcyclists are reckless can both create a number of problems in the event of a crash.
Motorcycle wrecks are often severe, and due to that stereotype, insurance companies often place blame immediately on the biker without looking at all the information.
Even after you have proven that the accident wasn’t your fault, your insurance company still likely won’t pay you what you deserve because they put their profit margins first and foremost. So how do you overcome these hurdles? The answer is simple: Hire a Denham Springs motorcycle accident lawyer from Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers.
Making the Claims Process Easier
Our firm will fight for your full compensation, but in order to get to that point, we must first complete a number of tasks. Our job duties include determining cause and fault, negotiating with insurance, and ensuring the collection of your compensation.
Cause and Fault Investigation
From talking to bystanders and the other parties involved in the motorcycle wreck to reviewing available traffic cameras and getting police statements, your attorney will handle all of the investigation required to build a successful personal injury claim.
Negotiating with Insurance Companies
Many people think that they can battle the insurance companies on their own, but in reality, you don’t want to. There are miles of red tape and loopholes you’d have to be aware of to get full compensation, and your Denham Springs motorcycle accident lawyer knows what those are. The last thing you need is to be taken advantage of by an insurer.
Receiving Compensation for Motorcycle Wreck Injuries
Once your case has been settled, your attorney’s job doesn’t stop there. We will ensure that you are being paid exactly what was determined at the negotiating table or in court—even if we have to follow up on a weekly basis until it’s paid in full. This way you can focus on your recovery while we handle the collections.
Get the Full Value of Your Motorcycle Injuries
How much money you can receive for your crash claim depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the accident, the parties involved, and the injuries and property damage caused. While the exact amount won’t be known until all this is taken into consideration, you can count on compensation for all of your damages and losses, such as the following:
- Medical bills, both current and future expenses
- Rehabilitation, including physical therapy you may need to recover from injuries
- Pain and suffering, which may also include compensation for emotional distress or reputable damages
- Lost wages, including any money you’re missing out on from being out of work or through reduced earning potential
- Personal property compensation for repair or replacement of any damaged property in the accident, including your motorcycle
Contact a Denham Springs Motorcycle Crash Attorney
A motorcycle wreck generally leads to multiple medical bills, legal battles, and insurance fights that a normal person isn’t equipped to handle on his or her own. What’s worse is when the stereotype that motorcyclists are reckless comes to haunt you.
Don’t let all of these hardships stand in the way of your compensation. Talk to an experienced Denham Springs motorcycle accident lawyer from Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers during a free consultation by completing the form below or by calling 225-387-2323.