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Who’s Responsible in a Hit-and-Run?
It’s no secret you can suffer major injuries and extensive property damage when another driver collides with your car. But what happens when the driver of the other vehicle flees the scene?
The question of who exactly is responsible depends on a variety of factors, including the type of insurance you have, and the state you live in. This is no different in Louisiana. Read on to learn more about who’s responsible in a hit-and-run accident and how a Baton Rouge car accident lawyer can help.
Insurance Remedies in a Hit-and-Run Accident
In a hit-and-run accident, things can happen quickly. You might come-to in the hospital later with a foggy memory of events, or maybe you just weren’t able to get a glimpse of the car or driver before they drove off.
In this regrettably common scenario, your ability to pursue compensation from the other driver depends on either your insurance company or the police’s ability to find the responsible party. If unsuccessful, your options for recovery will be limited.
This is especially true in Louisiana, or any other “fault” accident state for car insurance. In these states, you might not have Personal Injury Protection insurance to cover you after an accident. Also, you won’t be able to file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company if you cannot positively identify the driver.
One positive is, unless you specifically asked your insurance provider to leave it out of your car insurance coverage, you should be able to receive compensation through Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UMC). Unless specifically waived, Louisiana drivers can use this coverage to receive at least adequate compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
Without UMC, your last resort would likely be paying the deductible on your own insurance’s collision coverage, and relying on your health insurance for help with your medical expenses.
Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today
Getting in a wreck is difficult in any situation. When dealing with a hit-and-run, it can be even more challenging. Before abandoning hope of recovering compensation, however, let a car accident from Spencer Callahan Injury Lawyer review your case—for free.
Give us a call at 225-387-2323 or leave your contact information in the online form to start your no-obligation consultation.