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Louisiana Car Accident Claim Process

After being involved in an auto crash, your primary goal will likely be recovering compensation for your damages. And while you may be apprehensive and want to get through the insurance claim process as quickly as possible, it’s important to be educated about what to expect.

Not knowing what’s involved could lead to mistakes that compromise your ability to collect the settlement you deserve.

The attorneys at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers understand that this can be a confusing process, especially if you’ve never been through it before. To help ensure minimal trouble, we’ve laid out the crucial information you need to know about the Louisiana car accident claim process below.

Call a Lawyer

After being involved in a crash, you should get in touch with our firm to speak with a lawyer who can prepare you for the upcoming proceedings.

This should happen almost immediately after your accident because legal guidance can ensure that you don’t say or do the wrong thing, inadvertently making yourself liable and giving the insurance company room to avoid fairly compensating you.

Deal with the Insurers

Next, let the insurance company know you were hurt in an accident and that you want to file a claim. At this point, the adjuster may ask you to give a recorded statement regarding the details of the collision, but you should avoid doing so. Instead, tell the adjuster to talk to your attorney.

The insurance company will then begin investigating your case. It will review your policy to ensure your level of coverage is adequate for the type of car accident you were involved in.


At this point, the Louisiana car accident claim process can go one of a few routes. If it’s clear who was to blame for your crash, the adjuster may ask for an estimate from an approved collision repair shop to recover any physical damages, as well as an estimate for any medical bills you suffered.

However, if the facts are not clear, an investigation will begin. This step will involve reviewing evidence, getting statements from eyewitnesses, and gathering medical documentation. This is when having a lawyer can be particularly helpful to your case.

Accept or Decline the Settlement Offer

Finally, once the investigation has concluded, you should receive a settlement offer. If you approve of the amount, you’ll then collect compensation. If you don’t, our lawyers will negotiate for a better offer on your behalf.

Reach Out to Our Firm

If you need help navigating the Louisiana car accident claim process, turn to the attorneys at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers. We will provide you with the legal insight, experience, and guidance you need to secure fair compensation.

If you’re ready to get started, get in touch with us today. You can schedule a free consultation to discuss your case using the online contact form, which is located at the bottom of the page. You can also get in touch with our team members directly by calling our office at 225-387-2323.