Have a Talk About Safe Driving with Your New Teen Driver

Have a Safe Driving Talk with Your Teen Your son or daughter has just celebrated their 16th birthday. It’s a huge step to make in life as turning 16 is a right of passage to getting your driver’s license. Now that your teen has their driver’s license, and a new-found independence, it is time to …

How to Properly Document For An Accident Claim

Documenting Your Auto Accident When it comes to auto accidents, there are so many different things that can happen when trying to deal with the aftermath. Imagine, you are driving safely down the road when suddenly you are t-boned by another vehicle. As you sit in your car in the middle of an intersection, you …

Personal Injury Case vs. Personal Injury

Oftentimes, our personal injury attorneys get cases that come across our desks that don’t necessarily qualify as a personal injury case. We want to make a clear distinction for our readers, of what a personal injury case actually is, and what qualifications it needs to be taken on by one of our accident attorneys. Personal …

Common Mistakes People Make WIth Personal Injury

If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know how jarring it can be. It sends you into a panic mode, to where you can’t even focus on what just happened. And if you’ve read our tips for protecting yourself, you know that there can be a lot of ground to cover when it …

Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Auto accidents. They happen every single day. In fact, according to The Association For Safe Internal Travel, there are 3,287 deaths per day from car accidents, costing Americans over $230.6 billion each year. With this number being so high, it’s important to know what they dangers are on and off the road. One “danger,” you’ll …