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Know Your Insurance Law


Welcome back to the Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers Blog. As we continue our blog review series, we are going to examine a couple entries that talk about car insurance. These blogs cover the first two rules of car insurance: 1). Have proof of it; 2). Following an accident, talk to an auto injury attorney first before you talk to an insurance agent.

We can’t say it enough. Talk to a car accident attorney before you talk to an insurance company. Do not think you are obligated to talk to them. Many of them are trying to trick you.

Baton Rouge Residents – Don’t Be Bullied By An Insurance Company!”

“It is Not in Your Best Interest to Answer All Questions – Your insurance provider may contact you quickly after your accident and want you to answer some questions surrounding the event and your injuries. These conversations are typically recorded and can sometimes be used against you, even if you are only trying to cooperate and be completely honest. Before you have these discussions, it’s important to first speak with a qualified Baton Rouge personal injury attorney who can help you through the process.”

This essay discusses how much auto insurance is required and the factors to consider when purchasing more than that. It is an important read, as you may discover that you are throwing money out the window or that you are dangerously exposed and underinsured. Check it out.

How Much Auto Insurance Coverage Should You Have And Why?”

“In Louisiana, minimum coverage amounts include:

  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage – $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage – $25,000

State minimums also apply to medical payments and uninsured motorist bodily injury if carried. However, a driver may also choose to reject these.

While these state minimums serve to protect motorists by ensuring that all drivers have insurance coverage, there are countless instances where these minimum amounts simply aren’t enough. To be completely protected, in the event of an accident, there are some points that every driver should consider before purchasing auto insurance…”