Dear Santa,
We will wrap up our series of travel tips with this final letter of the holiday season for 2014. We have enjoyed putting our heads together to write these letters and formulate the tips that comprise them. Today, we will address more travel tips to help you once your journey has begun. Again, with our narrow contact with magic sleighs, we had to fall back on our work as auto injury attorneys in New Orleans for the background knowledge required to author this list.
- Bring your map. It helps to see the big picture, and sometimes even GPS gets confused. Besides, it’s more fun to plan your trip by combining your GPS with a map and see your progress as you go. Of course, please do not look away from the road to reference either one with the sleigh moving.
- Have a mapping app for your cell phone or iPad as a backup. Personally, we know several people who use Motion X on an iPad and Google Maps on a Samsung Galaxy s5. MotionX charges for voice directions, but estimates very accurate arrival times,so just enjoy the silence and save the money.Google Maps is free, with voice directions, which allows you to use it a lot so you don’t have to look away from the road.
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration lists eating and drinking as driving distractions that endanger the safety of the driver, passengers, and bystanders. We encourage you to eat on Christmas Eve. However, if you’re going to take the reindeer through the drive through (we know how fun that is for you), please eat in the parking lot and not while you are operating the sleigh.
Thank you for reading our letters and checking out our blog, despite your busy holiday schedule. Our hope is that you and your sleigh arrive back safely at the North Pole after a wonderful night of delivering childhood dreams worldwide. Thank you for all you do.
Happy Holidays,
Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers