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How To Document Your Auto Accident And Injuries

It can be difficult to think clearly after an auto accident. Confusion often prevails while trying to determine what exactly happened, who is at fault, and address damages and injuries. There is so much happening and so many people on scene that victims often forget that this a critical time when they can and should…

What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

Most auto accident victims in Louisiana believe they have full auto insurance coverage. It’s a statement that we at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers hear all the time. However, there is often a misunderstanding of what this term truly implies. In fact, there are such widely varying definitions of this term that it’s nearly impossible for…

How To Properly Install Your Child’s Car Seat

A car wreck of any severity is a frightening experience, but when a small child is also in the vehicle, this feeling is amplified. Kids are especially susceptible to injury in the event of an auto accident, often due to inadequate or improper restraint. In 2011, nearly 150,000 US children were harmed in wrecks. Furthermore,…

Top Reasons For Emergency Room Visits

(Many of which are unnecessary and counter-productive to an injury claim). At some point or another, we’ve all been there. A sudden illness or accident requires an unexpected emergency room visit. It isn’t a situation that anyone ever likes to find themselves in, but it still occurs frequently. In 2010 alone, the CDC reported 129.8…

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Baton Rouge Injury Lawyer

Injuries occur every day and for a variety of reasons. A trip over the rug or an accidental cut with a kitchen knife are common mishaps that can happen to anyone. Typically, medical attention is sought or the wound bandaged and the person can continue on their way. However, things become more complicated when the…